By Agneta Sperling on Monday, 04 April 2016
Category: News

Roman House Slaves

"The frequent absence of the Master of the house, (eg. in the case of military personnel), often led to illicit and furtive sexual activity between slave and Mistress and in order to ensure confidentiality, slaves were subjected to the most horrendous acts of cruelty to ensure their obedience and silence. Well-endowed and virile young slaves were much in demand and were available at public auctions to privileged sections of Roman society.

Slaves purchased solely for the purpose of providing sexual gratification for their Mistress often had their genitalia permanently restrained within purpose made metal chastity belts to prevent unauthorised masturbation. Those free to masturbate would face a severe flogging with a rod if discovered and subsequently their genitals would be bound in bandages soaked in a mixture of herbs and peppers, which inflicted excruciating pain on the treated parts. Persistent offenders were generally discarded and punished by castration and removal of their tongues to ensure their secrets would never be disclosed."


Ähnlich ergeht es dem Haussklaven in unserer neuen Produktion mit Lady Mercedes und Mrs. Weltsova. Weil er nicht willens gewesen war, seine Geilheit für seine Herrin aufzusparen, wird er der Erzieherin zur Züchtigung übergeben. Schon bald wird er sein Fehlverhalten bereuen und sich in seine Rolle als Objekt des täglichen Gebrauchs fügen.

"This attitude towards Roman slaves is well illustrated by wall paintings from Pompeii which shows slaves standing around with basins, towels and lamps whilst their masters have sex. Romans would not have dreamt of having sex so publicly in front of other free people. But it was acceptable to do so in front of slaves because like lamps or beds, they were household utensils." (source: